Mark Rothko gets defaced by Vladimir Umanets at the Tate Modern

Rothko Defaced Vladimir Umanets Tate Modern

In a senseless act of what appears to be bizarre guerilla promotion, 26-Year-Old Vladimir Umanets “tagged” one of Mark Rothko’s masterpieces at the Tate Modern.  He wrote: Vladimir Umanets – A Potential Piece of Yellowism in the piece’s lower right hand corner, resulting in the entire museum being temporarily shut down.

He said he had wanted to raise awareness of “Yellowism”, a concept created with fellow artist Marcin Lodyga. “This is what I believe in. It is serious. I am a really poor man, I am homeless, I will never be able to pay for this piece.  I believe I can find something that is art and put it in the Yellowism concept. I want to take stuff from art and put it into Yellowism make it not less valuable and maybe even more.  Doing this is a pleasure for me. I want as many people as possible to know about this. I believe I did nothing bad. I know how much it costs and I know I put something on it. Now it’s even more valuable.”

What’s the solution for this issue?  Giant panes of glass over the massive works?  There was an incident of a woman kissing a Frankenthaler, and another woman grinding her butt on a Clyfford Still in recent years.  Vladimir will have plenty of time to develop his craptacular art style in prison.

A message from Rothko’s children, distributed by the Pace Gallery, which has represented the Rothko estate since 1968, reads:

The Rothko family is greatly troubled by yesterday’s occurrence but has full confidence that the Tate Gallery will do all in its power to remedy the situation. Our father donated his legendary Seagram paintings to the museum in 1969 sensing the commitment of the institution to his work and impressed by the warm embrace it had received from the British public. We are heartened to have felt that embrace again in the outpouring of distress and support that we and our father have received both directly and in public forums.[phpbay keywords=”rothko” num=”40″ siteid=”1″ sortorder=”BestMatch” templatename=”default” itemsperpage=”40″ paging=”true”]

1 thought on “Mark Rothko gets defaced by Vladimir Umanets at the Tate Modern”

  1. This piece of shit ape should have been given thirty years in prison. He should hope I never run into him or I’ll deface him.

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