I was selected by The Southern Review as the featured visual artist in the Spring 2006 issue. They published Formality on the front and back cover, as well as eight pieces inside the book (seen below). The Southern Review publishes fiction, poetry, critical essays, interviews, book reviews, and excerpts from novels in progress, with emphasis on contemporary literature in the United States and abroad, and with special interest in southern culture and history. Poems and fiction are selected with careful attention to craftsmanship and technique and to the seriousness of the subject matter. Although willing to publish experimental writing that appears to have a valid artistic purpose, The Southern Review avoids extremism and sensationalism. Critical essays and book reviews exhibit a thoughtful and sometimes severe awareness of the necessity of literary standards in our time. Art reproductions—color or black and white—of a wide range—paintings, photography, prints, sculpture—are selected on the basis of engaging content and style.